Documentary and Portrait Photographer, Artist, passionate traveller, feminist, dreamer, who loves openminded people, challenges, otherness, humour and the beauty of everyday life. Born in 1983 in Katowice/ Poland, studied at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, lived in London and Brighton as an Artist in Residence, took part in the mentoring programme at Sputnik Photos in Warsaw, worked as a lecturer for Photography in Mainz, is now based in Frankfurt, Germany but feels most at home when on the move.
„My photography is mainly about social issues, focused on people and their environment. It’s the little stories beneath big events that fascinate me and tell much about our lifestyle, mentality, social developments and our culture. I consider those stories as important contemporary documents that are necessary to understand ourselves.“

Member of the Female Photoclub
Member of International Visual Sociology Association
Education/Artist in Residence/Work:
Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz/Germany. Diploma with distinction for „Visiting the Unknown- Couchsurfing through Eastern Europe“
Artist in Residence /Scholarship by Schloß Balmoral and TrAIN Research Centre for Transnational Art in London/GB
Mentoring programme at SPUTNIK PHOTOS Warsaw/Poland
Lecturer for Photography at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz/Germany
Workshop about Storytelling in Kigali/Ruanda in Cooperation with descom RLP/Germany „Products in Dialogue“
2022 „Portrait of Humanity“ shortlist and part of the book publication by Hoxton Mini Press
2019 „Portrait of Britain“ by BJP /1854, transforming JCDecaux screens into celebrations of the many faces of modern Britain, published in the book by Hoxton Mini Press
2018 „Designpreis für Fotografie“ – Award by descom/RLP, catalogue publication and groushow
2018 „Portrait of Humanity“ shortlisted and part of the book publication by Hoxton Mini Press
2011 “Dr. Berthold Roland Fotokunstpreis“ – Award including four solo shows in Germany
2022 Book publication „Portrait of Humanity“ with the Portrait of Saba Afeworki , Feminist from Frankfurt
2021 Book publication „This is What a Feminist looks like in Frankfurt“ in cooperation with the Women’s Department Frankfurt am Main and Opak Agency
2020 Solo show „FRANKFURT FEMINISM“ at Galerie Heussenstamm – Raum für Kunst und Stadt, Frankfurt am Main/Germany
2019 Group show „Portrait of Britain“ on JCDecaux Screens in GB
2019 Book publication „Portrait of Britain“ with the Portrait of Michael Horovitz
2019 Book publication „Portrait of Humanity“ with the Portrait of Mr Cichon/ prject: “What still remains”
2018 Group show Designpreis Rheinland Pfalz with „recreation“ in Mainz /Germany
2018 Solo show „products in dialogue“ in cooperation with descom RLP in Kigali/Ruanda
2017 Group show with Sputnik Photos Mentees „Splot“ at Krakow Photomonth/Photo Fringe, Krakow/Poland, LUMIX-Festival with my project „re-creation“ in Hannover/Germany
2016 Solo show during the Go-East-Festival with „ Visiting the Unknown- Couchsurfing Eastern Europe“ in Wiesbaden/Germany
2015 Group show :”Spring Opening” at Waggonfabrik Mainz/Germany
2013 Solo show with „What the Water Gave Me“, at an Artists Community Boat, GB
2012 Solo show with „What the Water Gave Me“, at Triangel Building in London, GB
2011 4 Solo shows with „Visiting the Unknown- Couchsurfing Eastern Europe“ in Landesmuseum Mainz, Festung Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz, Viehmartktherme Trier and at the state representation Rhineland Palatinate in Berlin/Germany
2010 Group show with „Visiting the Unknown- Couchsurfing Eastern Europe“ at the Natural History Museum in Mainz/Germany
2010 Group show at PHOTOKINA, Cologne, Germany with „ On both sides of the wall. 24 h Israel/Westbank.“
2010 Group show and book publication „Across Europe – From Essen through Pesct to Istanbul.”